Part-Time Education / Distance & Correspondence Courses |
UGC University Recognised Distance Mode/ Correspondence Degree and Diploma Courses in New Delhi & Uttar Pradesh for working executives and for students enrolled in other regular courses |
There has been quantum jump in the need for professionally qualified personnel to be employed in corporations/ industries. In the Country like India, with geographical spread & huge population, perhaps, part-time/ distance education is a way out.
The benefits of part-time/ distance education learning are numerous. It allows you to pursue your studies in parallelism with your career. What you learn on the programme can readily be applied to work place. What you experience at work can enhance your learning process & it also ensures that employees have the higher level of education needed to qualify them for further training and be selected for promotion. This also ensures that the student will have the freedom of choice to pursue two recognized degree/diploma programs simultaneously & gain a competitive edge in the job market.
Our Institutes offers part-time/ distance education courses in keeping in view the need for educational qualifications required by those working executives employed in BPO’s, Call Centres, MNC’s & other organizations. It also helps them to work & study simultaneously thereby enhancing their social recognition & educational aspect development. The students already enrolled in other regular degree or diploma courses may also join these courses which would provide them with wide career opportunities & necessary guidance in career planning & placement assistance. |
Courses offered on Part-Time / Distance & Correspondence Education Modes |
at RKCS Educational Society's Institutes & Colleges, Study Centres in New Delhi |
Eligibility |
Stream |
Courses |
After 10+2 / Undergraduate Degree & Diploma Courses |
Information Technology
IT and Computers Studies |
- Diploma in Computer Applications, DCA
- Advance Diploma in Computer Applications, ADCA
- Diploma in Information Technology, DIT
- Diploma in Computer Science, DCS
- Bachelor in Computer Application, BCA
- Bachelor of Science in Information Tech., B.Sc (IT)
Management / Business Administration Programs |
Diploma in Business Administration, DBA
Advance Diploma in Business Administration, ADBA
Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA
Bachelor of Business Studies, BBS
Mass Communication, Media, Journalism Courses |
- Diploma Certifcate in Mass Media & Journalism
- Diploma in Creative Writing (Hindi Medium), DCWH
- Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations, DAPR
- Bachelor of Mass Comm & Journalism, BJMC
Other Professional Courses Offered |
- Bachelor of Commerce, B.Com
- 5 years Intergrated Law Degree Course, BALLB*
- Diploma in Tourism Studies (Hindi Medium), DTS
- Diploma in Women Empowerment & Development
Post Graduate Diploma / Masters Degree Courses |
Information Technology IT and Computers Studies |
- PG Diploma in Computer Applications, PGDCA
- Masters in Computer Applications, MCA
- Masters of Science in Infomation Tech., M.Sc.(IT)
- Masters of Science in Computer Science, M.Sc.(CS)
Management / Business Administration Courses |
PG Diploma in Business Administration, PGDBA
PG Diploma in Business Management, PGDBM
Master in Business Management, MBA
Mass Communication, Media, Journalism Courses |
- PG Diploma in Mass Comm & Journalism, PGJMC
- PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations
- PG Diploma in Electronic Media & Film Production
- Masters in Mass Comm. & Journalism, MJMC
Other Professional Courses Offered |
- 3 years Law Degree Course, LLB*
- Bachelor of Education, B.Ed.
- MA Hindi, MHD
- MA Social Works, MSW
- MA Rural Development, MARD
- Master of Library Science, MLIS
- Bachelor of Library Science, BLIS
- PG Diploma in Translation, PGDT
- PG Diploma in Disaster Management, PGDDM
- PG Diploma in Rural Development, PGDRD
- MA in Rural Development, MARD
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BBA MBA Correspondence Insitutes, BJMC MJMC Distance Education Institutes, Law Colleges in India, BALLB Law Degree Courses, Law Distance Correspondence Degree in Law, University Correspondence Business Management Courses, Wardha University Study Center Delhi, Hindi University Correspondence Courses, Mahatma Gandhi HIndi Antarrashriya Vishwavidyalaya Wardha, UGC Recoginzed MBA MCA BBA BCA BJMC, Part Time Weekends courses, Correspondence Distance education course classes in Delhi, Distance learning courses, correspondence course BCA MCA BBA Mass Comm, B Sc Journalism BJMC degree, DOEACC MBA MCA Colleges University Institutes Universities in Delhi, Weekend Evening degree diploma classes, Weekend Evening degree diploma courses, Distance Course Education Institute in Delhi, Correspondence Courses Education Institutes in Delhi, Media Education College Institute in Delhi |